Meet the Team: Stephen
September 2022
Tell us about yourself: your name, background, relevant experience, how many years you’ve been with the company or in the industry.
My name is Stephen Gallegos. I earned a public health degree from New Mexico State University, Graduate Studies of Epidemiology at Benedictine University. I worked at the New Mexico Department of Health conducting investigations and regulatory compliance in healthcare facilities across the state. That led to conducting compliance regulation in the food industry in the Hatch Valley. That's what brought me to Olam Spices (now Spices by ofi), where I worked as a quality supervisor for 6 years. I also own an ecommerce business myself, which led to my interest in joining the spices ecommerce team. I've been in this role for about 9 months.
What is your role at Spices by ofi and what does your day-to-day look like?
My current role as ecommerce sales manager includes communicating with customers on a day-to-day basis through email, phone calls, texts and live chat on My day consists of producing tech docs for customers, answering product related questions and tracking order statuses, almost like a direct link between the customer and the rest of the ecommerce team.
Do you have a customer success story that you feel proud to have been part of?
During my time in QA, I created the “benchtop” sample portion of our Chile Lime Blend. This started the blend movement at ofi and I am proud that I was part of it.
Why should businesses buy from Why would it benefit them?
We are the source! Not many companies can say that they own every aspect of the supply chain.
Is there a Spices by ofi product you would call your favorite?
One, because I was part of developing it and 2, I have always loved Tajin. And in my opinion, it tastes better!
Saving the spicy questions for last, what is your preferred level of spice in Scoville heat units (SHU) and what chile pepper would that be?
30k-40k. This around what a jalapeno provides. Enough heat to make you sweat and warm your ears, but not too hot to where it over powers what you're eating it with.
However, being from NM, I love my green chile. Green chile is probably around 10k if its really hot. The flavor and the heat are a perfect combination! Plus, we put it on everything out here. Ice cream sundaes, wine, beer, everything!