Shop Bulk Fennel
We offer whole fennel seeds in bulk, or wholesale, that can be used in many recipes or as an enjoyable snack. Our fennel seeds are sourced from local processors in Egypt.
Fennel Facts
Where is fennel grown?
Fennel is an important plant that grows well in Egypt and some European countries. Ofi sources our fennel seeds from Egypt.
Types of fennel
There are three types of fennel available to us today: 1) common fennel, 2) sweet fennel (which you can buy online here), and 3) bulb fennel. Dried fennel seeds and bulb fennel are considered regular fennel and safe for consumption.
Applications for bulk fennel seeds
Fennel seeds have many uses for your recipes. You can toast or crush whole fennel seeds and use them to season meats and seafood, or add it to breads for enrichment and flavor. Additionally, fennel seeds whole can be used on their own as an enjoyable snack.
Often, fennel is mistaken for aniseed. Fennel seeds are sweeter in flavor, less pungent, and slightly larger than aniseed.
How did fennel originate?
The fennel plant originated in the southern Mediterranean region. It grows wild in the Northern, Eastern, and Western hemispheres. It was used by ancient Egyptians as food and medicine and was often used in China as a snake bite remedy. It has a long history in many cultures for its filling—it is often used in fasts to stave off hunger—and medicinal properties